Package-level declarations


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Annotation to be placed on enum an enum value or sealed class subclass to indicate that it is the default value if an unknown or missing entry is encountered.

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annotation class JsonProperty(val name: String)

Can be added to a data class property or enum instance to specify the name that is used when serializing it to and from JSON.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class JsonSerializable(val useAdaptersForPrimitives: PrimitiveAdapters = PrimitiveAdapters.DEFAULT, val serializeNulls: SerializeNulls = SerializeNulls.DEFAULT)

Annotation to be placed on classes that Kotshi should generate a JsonAdapter for.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class KotshiJsonAdapterFactory(val useAdaptersForPrimitives: Boolean = false, val serializeNulls: SerializeNulls = SerializeNulls.DEFAULT)

Annotation to be applied on an abstract class that implements JsonAdapter.Factory to tell Kotshi to generate a factory containing all adapters in this module.

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A helper class for Kotshi.

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abstract class NamedJsonAdapter<T : Any> : JsonAdapter<T>

A JsonAdapter that implements toString. This class is here to avoid adding one extra method per generated adapter.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class Polymorphic(val labelKey: String, val onMissing: Polymorphic.Fallback = Fallback.DEFAULT, val onInvalid: Polymorphic.Fallback = Fallback.DEFAULT)

Annotation to be placed on a sealed class to describe how it should be parsed.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class PolymorphicLabel(val value: String)

An annotation must be applied to subtypes of a sealed class to specify the value that represents the type.

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Flag for enabling/disabling the use of adapters for primitive types.

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annotation class RegisterJsonAdapter(val priority: Int = 0)

Registers the annotated type in the Kotshi json adapter factory. All registered adapters take priority over all generated adapters.

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Flag for enabling/disabling null serialization. Can be applied both to a factory or to individual adapters.